Tui Na Massage

Tui Na (pronounced “twee-na”)  is Chinese medicine therapeutic massage based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Working along meridians (energy channels) throughout the body, Tui Na taps into these energy points, using stretches, pressure points, and joint rotations, to balance the body’s vital energy (qi). Pain reduction, improved mobility, and relaxation are the result. 

Mary also utilized muscle testing and Neuro-emotional clearing techniques. This involves physically testing muscles to find areas of weakness and imbalance. Restoring mobility and clearing blockages rebalances energy channels in the body improving health and wellness.

Tui Na massage sessions are approximately 30 minutes. Loose comfortable clothing is recommended as Tui Na is traditionally practiced on fully clothed clients.

For a full diagnostic TCM session, Tui Na massage is often combined with acupuncture, and auriculotherapy.

Treatment Fees

Tui Na(approx. 30 minutes)$65
Acupuncture + Tui Na (approx. 60 minutes)$130
